Are you visiting the Galápagos, and want to help us reach our goals? One of the most important ways we can all help preserve the Galápagos is through education.

sue’s library

One of our volunteers, Sue Hyslop, helped establish a library for the San Cristóbal community in 2019. A great way you can support this initiative is by donating books in Spanish and/or English for the local children. Either bring them with you when you arrive in the Galápagos, or contact us to discuss other ways to donate.

school supplies

Our local schools and our English Language Centre in the Projects Galapagos Community Centre are always in need of additional school supplies. Items such as whiteboard markers, children’s reading books in English and/or Spanish, early learning language games and other language learning tools are useful. We have little variety available for purchase here on the island, and prices are much higher than on the mainland, so it is often best to bring these with you from your country of residence.